Should an agency ask you for your payslip of a previous job in a company that you left, should you give it to them? I think that people look for better paying jobs and therefore cannot divulge exactly how much they earned in their previous employment.
Looking for a job?
i don't think so! that is private information. alot of places do ask what your rate of pay was at your previous employers and you fill that in on your application. i would ask them why is it needed? the only places i know of that should see payslips are legal offices like for people who need to get or pay child support or recieve benefits like foodstamps and medicaid.
Reply:Oh no!!!
They Should NOT ask!
And you should NOT give it!!
Reply:i don't think you should give it to them, UNLESS you know they're reputable, and practise a privacy policy or sorts. such agency scams are quite common these days. so it's better to keep personal details to yourself.
Reply:i agree with you.........i do not see why they should need to see your pay stub from previous jobs,.,,they have your application and they can call the places you worked if they want.........but i guess they can make up there own rules and do what they want..........
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