Tuesday, May 25, 2010

i am looking for a job. does anyone know a website?

i'm around 15 1/2 and really need money!! i hate asking for money from my parents!! I am knida too young and i need a job now!! i have to be 16 to work but i can't wait!!
i am looking for a job. does anyone know a website?
The best jobs are probably the ones right under your nose. For example, if you like house work or computers, neighbors or friends would probably like some help.

There's a trick here: it's not because you can DO something that you WANT to do it...

Meaning: everyone has tasks, and some of them are very boring for some, but very satisfying for others. For example, your neighbor might HATE to mow their laws, wash the car or clean the gutters. These are excellent jobs for starters.

Good luck!
Reply:Have you heard of Scentsy? Do you love candles but hate the worry of soot and open flame hazards? Scentsy could be the home-based business dream for you! I am an Independent Scentsy Consultant and would love to talk to you about turning my love of "scents" into dollars! Visit www.scentsy.com for a peek at this scentsational opportunity or email me direct at beckiwesterman@msn.com.

Reply:dear baby ,don't be hurry to do job.out side dog like people try to cheat you.best advice is learn some job.go to good vocational school.and sacrifice some time to earn education.you can go hotel school,mason,carpenter school so on...

you now hate kelvin but if you do in future admire me lot...

Reply:Try these. I do all three of them and have been paid on all:

You view websites in 30 second sessions via the "Beanybux.com Surf Ads" page. Once the 30 seconds is up, you'll either get a green check mark or a red 'X'. The green check mark means you've earned $0.01. You can revisit each ad every 24 hours.


SharedReviews is a social network that allows you to connect with other consumers to share and learn about real consumer product experiences

Step 1: Create your Profile

Your profile is who you are, and although privacy is of the utmost importance, we encourage you to share the basic facts of your life, such as how many kids you have, what you do for a living, where you're located, how much you earn, and other factors that allow readers to understand not only the experience you are sharing, but what type of person you are so they can better empathize with you as a person, thus making your reviews more tangible and more valuable.

Step 2: Create Reviews

Review anything that you'd like from any one of our categories. Remember that the "tone" of your review is important, try to make it as enriching as possible. Imagine telling your best friend about a new product you bought, whether you love or hate it, that's what will garner you the most value for sharing your thoughts. Don't forget rich media! Real photos you've taken, videos you've recorded and even custom pieces of info such as your own rating terms make your reviews stand out.

Step 3: Socialize

The more friends and groups you join, the more likely it is that members who will vote when you post a review. Having an established network of friends on SharedReviews will help get votes for your reviews, and those votes translate to a higher ranking for the review in a category at the end of the month. The higher your ranking, the more you earn.

Not only can it be rewarding and fun to connect with your fellow consumers, those relationships will also be lucrative to everyone in the network.

Step 4: Cast your votes

Voting is at the center of how we share revenue with our reviewers, but it's also how we reward those who are willing to go beyond creating reviews to fuel the SharedReviews engine. Everyone who votes on a review that generates revenue earns a portion of the money earned from that review.

For example, if a review earns $20 one month, $10 of that is split between all the voters (Check out our diagram of how it works below). With only three little rules to remember when placing your votes, you can end up sharing in the earnings of 100s of reviews.

Voting Rule #1

You have a limited number of votes to cast in each category per month. The number of votes is determined by your ShareScore.

Voting Rule #2

For obvious reasons, you can't vote for your own review.

Voting Rule #3

You can only vote for a particular review once, ever.

Step 5: Earn Revenue

Each month, we share 50% of every dollar we make off of the experiences of our community. This includes both advertising revenue from the site itself, as well as lucrative syndication deal with third-party networks that place SharedReviews on other sites. The key is that you get paid when we get paid and each month the process starts so the earning potential never stops!


Get paid to complete surveys, join free websites, and more.

Payments are sent every month by check like clockwork!

Reply:Here is a website with detailed instuctions to make a few hundred dollars pretty quickly. You can do this from 13 up!


Good luck!
Reply:You might want to take a look at http://www.jobcareersubscriber.com

I know this website offers a list of companies offering work at home jobs. There are also some ideas there for teens to earn some money. Hope it helps.
Reply:How about gamer testing ground. Get paid to beta test and Play Games. Get Free Game Copies, visit their website and learn how to get a video game tester job.
Reply:hey when u get a chance check ya email i sent u a legit site to make money

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