Sunday, May 23, 2010

I am a 7th grader & i'm looking for a job?

I started babysitting when I was in 7th grade, but first I took a CPR course at my local park district. If you complete the course then people will feel comfortable leaving their children in your care, if you are also responsible.
I am a 7th grader %26amp; i'm looking for a job?
if u live in a rural area or u are close to a rural area, consider getting a job on a farm or at a garden. many places will hire u for under the table/part-time work. i had 2 jobs like that; at a lettuce farm and at a lily farm. u could also consider finding out which of ur neighbors has a dog they need walked. i know some ppl will pay u $7 for an hr long walk of their dog.
Reply:Man when i was in 7th grade i was bankin. Hear are some tips. Go to sam's club or wallmart. Buy the candy in the boxes. You know what i mean the boxes with all different kind of candy.(FULL SIZE CANDY BARS) Sell them at your school for a doller a price. You make more than %50 profit. Or you could cut lawns, walk dogs, Clean cars, rake leafs, Clean house. I dont think thier is a place you can get higher ed at that age because of the law but i used to make some doe selling candy bars.
Reply:Me too lol :D

Well, there really aren't any jobs open for us, except maybe sweeping a pet shop or something like that, and the pay isn't good unless you're planning on saving up for a while.
Reply:if you're interested, you can do surveys online for extra money, I know a good site thats free to join and for age 13 and up

check my blog for info and Proof of Payments
Reply:be a referee to soccer games.!

it pays more or less depending if your a side ref or not

what league you ref for %26amp; what age

also what level

but generally its pretty good pay.! =]
Reply:Don't because being a slacker is good. Never do anything in life and acheive little that way if you fail you wont be surprised.
Reply:im sorry but there are no jobs for seventh graders unless you live out in the country or mow peoples lawns. its kind of illegal.
Reply:I'm not sure, but bagging at publix or sumthing, you have to be 14.
Reply:ya thats not old enough to get a job sorry. you have to be 16

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